Solarization - Commercial & Industrial

Most Asked Questions …
Solar plant generates 4-5 units per day
Refer to your electricity bill to deduce average monthly consumption. Use this to find out the system size required.
What capacity plant would we require?
Each kW takes 80 sq-ft
From step1, find out how much space would be required
What is the space requirement?
Approximately 39K-47K per kW
What would be the cost?
No. Government offers subsidy only for residential segment
Any Subsidy?
Yes. We have attractive financing options
Look at OPEX model to go solar with no upfront investment and immediate expense relief
Any financing assistance?

Financial Models
Customer invests and owns the system
Cost ~ 39k-47k per kw
End of 3 years: 100% amount recovered
year onwards: cash-cow earning Rs
18K/kw @0 investment
Finance option available
Accelerated depreciation and/or GST claim
Solar company invests in installation and
maintenance of the solar system on
customer’s rooftop and sells electricity to
customer at a discounted rate
Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) usually
for 10 years
Savings ~ 40-70% savings on bill
Rs 4-6 per unit (for 20 years agreement)
Rs 5-7 per unit for 10 years agreement
After agreement, ownership is transferred
to the customer